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Sponsor an Event

Thanks to partnerships with generous businesses and community organizations, Riverworks is able to present an ambitious array of offerings, from exhibitions by established artists to free or low-cost classes for newcomers to the arts—and a full calendar of arts-and-culture programs to come.
With options for every budget, our sponsorship levels include many inspiring opportunities for your business or organization to support specific types of programs or events.
Sponsoring a Riverworks event is a highly visible way to remind our neighbors—your clients and customers—that you’re playing an essential role in bringing the arts to our community. We’re proud to highlight our sponsors at every opportunity, and grateful for your ongoing support!

Riverworks Art Center, Inc. (EIN 87-4638897) is a public charity recognized as tax-exempt by the IRS under Section 501(c)(3).  Therefore your donation is tax deductible to the extent allowable by the law.  

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